Friday, April 15, 2011

Discussion: Sellers Giving Feedback After Buyers

Sweetheart Cuff Bracelet, v1 by Victoria Camp Designs
I have always been a big ratings/feedback buyer - on eBay, Amazon Marketplace, etc. - and I continued this when I started buying on Etsy.

I like to give detailed feedback so I usually wait till I have actually used/worn/whatever the item and then I try to leave review on as many aspects of the purchase as possible - shipping, packaging, customer service, etc. Especially for things like bath and body products or edibles, I know that I am always looking for more details in the feedback before I decide to buy, so I try to give the type of information that I look for myself.

It took me awhile, but I began to notice that there was a pattern developing: every time I left my feedback for the seller, they then left theirs ... and it began to really, really annoy me! When sellers only leave feedback after they receive one from the buyer, it leaves the buyer feeling as if they are being held hostage - a neutral or negative feedback might result in receiving one themselves, even if on their end they may have done everything right.

I have since become a seller myself and know that it's sometimes difficult to remember to leave feedback - especially now that Etsy has buyers pay right away, in some cases there doesn't really seem much to review.

Additionally, waiting for the buyer gives the seller the opportunity to feel like they can give an explanation for any bad review they may get. I write "feel like" because they are not tied to one another, and while you can sometimes clearly see the connection (check out this example from the doughadeer feedback and the left for others section), if enough time has passed you can't unless you dig for it.

So, what would be a good solution / compromise?

My suggestions are as follows:

1. Sellers make a concerted effort to always leave feedback once the buyer's responsibilities are done (how they were as a customer if there was convoing beforehand, prompt payment).

2. The feedback system allows for the kind of "rebuttals" you see on eBay: i.e., a seller can reply to any neutral or negative feedback they get and that would then be shown, indented, under that specific feedback.

Checklist Greeting Card by Red Letter Studio

What do YOU think?
Post your thoughts and comments below!


  1. perhaps there needs to be a part of the feedback system where you can offer a rebuttal?? I know I have been put off buying stuff due to negative feedback but I guess this is what its about right?? as a seller I go above and beyond what I can to make my buyers feel special when they purchase something from my etsy store - I feel so privelleged and lucky anyway to make a sale that it is really special to me!!

    but good on you for providing accurate and in-depth feedback - I try to do it too and I know I like to receive it!!

    thanks for including my card in your post!! ;)

    ~ Samone

  2. Thanks so much for commenting, Samone! And completely agree that I think adding a sort of response/rebuttal for Shops and sellers for when a customer leaves neutral or negative comments could be helpful. Would allow sellers to have their say and buyers to leave their honest opinion and not fear some type of reprisal.
